Sunday 21 August 2011

Raggy Dolls

Yesterday I offered my daughter some 'mummy time', a response to her asking me who I loved best, Albear the horse or her (spending too much time faffing around one thinks). Happily we have both realised the best way to spend this is by her assisting me in making her a toy. Our recent 'mummy times' have involved me drawing out paper rag dolls and her colouring them in after we all became inspired by the old Raggy Dolls cartoon below. However, this time Anya decided to upgrade the project and requested a full size Rapunzel rag doll. Next thing Quin was insisting I made him a 'robin' rag doll at the same time (Superman is out and Batman is in). They harassed me until bedtime and then as soon as my foot stepped out of bed this morning I was frog marched down to the sewing machine and told I wasn't allowed to move until I'd finished both dolls. End result was a rag doll that looked more like Cindy Lauper circa 1985 complete with short, spiky fringe and the 'robin' doll who The Muse instantly rechristened as S+M doll, what else are Sundays for! Kat x


  1. I loved the raggy dolls, especialli Hi-fi with a back-to-front head. I used to watch it during a phase when I'd go home for lunch when at primary school. Tinned ravioli on toast, grated cheese on top and raggy dolls- the simple life.

  2. The simple life - your so right!! I am trying to brainwash the kids into 80's cartoons as I can't bear the American rubbish they would like to watch. Now where's that ravioli..........???:)
