Friday evening was rather enjoyable to say the least. Emma and I had the rare experience of leaving the kids at home and venturing out on a mission to the big city! We started at 4pm, slightly stressed after a day trying to tie up a million loose ends. First stop, Juliette's where I bought a strip of hair matching my own current shade, then round the corner to Fly girls where I had the strip of hair sewn onto my own. Emma was also there to have her weave tightened. Fly girls is a homage to fabulous Afro Caribbean hair styles and we were hoping to get a piece of the action. An hour or so later we departed, me with ludicrously long hair as I wasn't really sure what length I should be buying and 18" didn't seem that much at the time. Let me tell you, it is! I shall have to work the new hair into my vintage Heidi meets Mrs Claus makeover that has sorted of taken over my image the last few days. Then we progressed to the Green Street Gallery where Tony Graffiti, a chap who's acquaintance we had made at the Mosley Folk Festival. He was doing a mural there and we were very impressed, catch up on that post here and see us stalking him on here on this video. After the festival he had invited us to his excibition, 'smoke crack and sign on', sounded like a laugh so we thought we'd go along. The 'gallery' was a run down warehouse on a dingy street in industrial Digburth, fab and very appropriate for an exhibition of street art. His pieces were big, bright and bold and the event was full of cool looking young people. Of course we were working it with our new hair and felt that familiar excitement one feels when you rubbing shoulders in an atmosphere you find equally familiar and unfamilliar. We sailed home elated after our short but intensely fun night away from Whitehouse Farm and even managed to pig out on KFC on the way home!! Kat x

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