Tuesday 26 April 2011

It was in the cards!

Strange occurrences continue at White house. For weeks now I have been reading The Empress card in the tarot readings of various house members including Camille and Alpha Male. Every time I could see pregnancy and even spent a couple of unsettling weeks thinking it might be my own. Last week it became apparent it was not so I was confused further by the continued appearance of this card which represents Mother Nature herself, creativity and fertility. The woman is full-figured, possibly pregnant, and is surrounded by lush greenery and fields of ripe wheat. In the forest behind her a river flows freely with water, the symbol of life. Her upraised hand holds a sceptre which demonstrates her power and authority over the things of this earth. Below the Empress's couch is a heart-shaped pillow with the symbol of Venus emblazoned upon it, and her flowing robe is decorated with pomegranates, a symbol of fertility.

 Well, what a surprise when yesterday our newest canine family member Shirley, gave birth to three puppies. Unfortunately we failed to resuscitate the last two but the first survived and is going strong. In December we got Shirley from a random visit to Birmingham Dogs home and as she was so underweight we didn't rush to have her spayed. After she came into season around our other border collie Floyd, she was given the doggy equivalent of the morning after pill but that's not always successful, obviously! There are already two many unwanted dogs in the world so Alpha male and I are defiantly feeling irresponsible dog owners guilt but every new life is a blessing and we will endeavour to ensure Shirley's little daughter gets the best care and new home within our power, Kat x

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