Tuesday 3 May 2011

We really value your feedback!

Here at the Katryoshka head quarters Emma and I live in a happy bubble at White House Farm. However, this very existence was the reason we chose to start a blog documenting our lives and various creative efforts. We wanted to communicate with the outside world and speak to real people who share an interest in the unusual and unconventional. If you would like to make a comment its really easy. You don't need to be a follower or have a google account. Simply choose the anonymous option when you are asked fro an identity but please leave your name below your comment as we would like to get to know you and your opinions, Kat x


  1. I love your blog and reckon you deserve a bigger following. Would you like more followers? A lot of the blogs I follow host 'giveaways' with small prizes, this attracts a LOT of interest, and others link up their photographs/art/creations to 'memes' on other blogs. There are a lot of people who would love to share your fun.
    She's on holiday at the moment, but I recommend you meet Scarlett at Scarlett Loves Elvis

    Her warm style of writing reminds me of you and she has lots of followers who leave regular feedback, mainly through linking and giveaways. Keep up the good work, and thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, they make my day!
    Lucy x

  2. Thanks so much for your beautiful comment, its especially meaningful because I love your blog and the way you write about your life and observations. Just call this the mutual blog appreciation post! I would like more followers as its interesting debating different points of view, I think a give-away is in order, I shall let my muse inspire the form its takes, Kat x
