Monday 9 May 2011

A woman's work

After a quiet launch (I think that the 'technical' term is Soft), Katryoshka sales are suddenly snowballing! We are so, so pleased & especially grateful to our new followers but also VERY grateful to loyal fans of my work from my 'former life' at Stubbs Hunk Designs. I am feeling thoroughly motivated & inspired by the recent flurry of sales & all leisure time is being devoted to painting new items for Katryoshka! One BIG challenge is the half painted caravan in my garden which MUST get finished & on to e bay before the festival season is truly upon us. It is quite a daunting task which I might well have made inroads on during the relentless Bank Holidays. However, I think I got drunk in the lovely sunshine instead. Have learned my lesson & every sunny moment will be spent embellishing The Lattitude 'Van! Thanks again to our followers. Please keep checking the Shop for fresh wares, the pieces below are being added today! From Emma x 

1 comment:

  1. SO glad your creative juices are flowing! I'm trying to lose weight because I have an eye on one of your dresses for sale!
    In the meantime, here's a giveaway recommendation:

    Fab blog too, not sure if you already follow? P.s I think you should try to get a feature in that magazine...
