Wednesday 26 October 2011

The Katryoshka 'Heidi meets vintage Mrs Claus' make over

Several events have lead to this much needed make over. Firstly, my new hair which is tatty already but I love it, secondly my landmark 35th birthday and lastly, I have begun to sew again. It feels like ages since I made clothes I was really excited about but finally its happened and I can't describe my relief. You begin to doubt you ever enjoyed something if your repeatedly disappointed with the result. As all keen sewers know, it can be a lot of effort to produce a dress or jacket so to then not like it can be a blow. I think its probably all down to taking a bit of a break, being creative in other ways and allowing myself to become re-inspired. Back to the make over, I sure need it as the last few months I have been trudging around in ripped trousers and muddy boots with the horse as the perfect excuse. I shall also be trying to wear make up on a daily basis, heavy brows, red lippy and mascara at least. Below are four outfits I made this week and shall form a basis for the look, lots of frills, lace and velvet, I'll keep you posted on how the look evolves. I apologise in advance for the pictures but its half term and the only photographer available was my six year old daughter and then when she got bored, my four year old son, beggers can't be choosers! Kat x 
 This dress has that Mrs Claus feel and sewing on old broken brooches to a dress can be so effective and give it a very glamourous feel.
 This is a velvet kimono style jacket and to finish the edges I simply cut a large zig-zag which stops the fabric from fraying.
This dress is rather bold and was made while I watched the original Moulin Rouge. Frills galour!!

Finally a very useful cape that I am planning a tutorial for as its proved so useful in keeping the shoulders warm and looking stylish at the same time!!


  1. I'm in a rush but had to the new hair and all of the new outfits you have so cleverly made. Here's to red lippy!

  2. Thank you!! I am going to drag the kids round some shops this afternoon in search of that elusive red lippy, xx

  3. Hiya, I like the red dress, so pretty! We went to Garrick theatre in Lichfield for the play of Goldilocks & the Three Bears this afternoon and popped around to your shop but you guys were not there. Had a chat with Toby though. Bought loads of room sprays there! See you soon. x x

  4. Hiya!!!!!!!!!!! ARRHH Bless you, should have let me give you a DISCOUNT!! Nevermind, must get together soon and chat incessantly, maybe come over for fireworks and bomfire next Saturday night at White House Farm xx

  5. No worries, Toby kindly gave us some discount! Thanks for your invite, but we are holding a farewell party for our friend on next Sat. Can we rearrange so we can all meet up soon! x x

  6. I LOVE that Mrs Claus dress and the kimono is stunning!...x

  7. Thank you Frocktasia, a lovely compliment from a fellow fashionista, x
