Monday 3 October 2011

Katryoshka on tour - Susanne's German Birthday weekend

Our weekend trip began with nearly missing the airplane. After a traumatic time going through baggage check due to packing all the wrong things into our hand luggage and myself having to remove my Doc Martins which is never an easy task, we settled down with a coffee and a gossip mag only to hear final call for Stubbs-hunk. We raced down to the gate and were told we were very lucky to be allowed on so late followed by the walk of shame to our seats. Quin spent the rest of the journey being sick and I began to wonder what the weekend had in store for us. I am happy to say we had a brilliant time mostly split between our friend Susanne's parents farm, where she grew up, and her sisters house. On the Saturday we visited a castle that was believed to have inspired the magical Disney castle. It was owned by the madly self indulgent King Ludwig and the interior was decadent with every wall and ceiling painted with amazing murals and patterns. I found a lot of inspiration for caravan pimping there. The next day was Susanne's birthday party and we decorated the garage at the farm with Katryoshka style Heidi banners and floral cut out bits and bobs. It was a great day with lots of German beer and some very dark,ver potent schnapps. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and we can't thank Susanne and her family enough for their kind hospitality. It all seemed to fly by so quickly and suddenly we were rushing once again through the airport, panicking we were about to miss our plane back home due to the awful Oktoberfest traffic. I am glad to say we didn't, Kat x

While in Germany both The Muse and I developed a minor crush on Susanne's sister's husband Marcus, a dead ringer for Jennifer Aniston's beau Justin Theroux!

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