Monday 14 November 2011

New items from The Muse arrive at the Katryoshka Etsy shop

The Muse has been very busy recently. Driven by various objectives she has been running a small cottage industry from her kitchen in between holding down a challenging full-time job and bringing up three children. How she does it, i just don't know but she does and here are three fabulous examples of some of the pieces she has completed in the last couple of weeks. The chalk boards are perhaps a new idea that sheds some light on how she manages all her commitments, lists, lists and more lists!! See more at our Etsy shop -


  1. Oh thanks for that Kylie,

    She is a superwoman in disguise and doesn't even know it herself! x

  2. That crucifix is the most fabulous thing I've ever laid my eyes on, you have some talent! x

  3. Thanks for the lovely compliment I will pass it on, even Muses need inspiring sometimes! x

  4. Everything is so cute! =)
