Thursday 7 July 2011

Twitter saves the day!!

I have been feeling very disillusioned with Twitter lately. The truth is I don't really know how to use it and initially simply enjoyed the process of documenting and shrinking random thoughts into one or two sentences. I was about to close my account down this week when its true value became much clearer. I have had the recent task of organising an open day for the charity I volunteer at. This is indeed a tricky task because our resources are so few but I felt that what the event needed was a 'celebrity' guest to draw local people into our branch. The first person I set my sights on was Tony Christie, the legendary crooner, who lived nearby and was known to most people after his recent comeback. However despite various leads I got on-line it all came to nothing. The date of the open day was creeping nearer and nearer when I discovered there was another local celebrity who was ideal, X-Factor contestant Treyc Cohen. Couldn't find any contact information for her on-line so I turned to Twitter and several tweets between the singer and her agent later I had a celebrity booked, willing to donate an hour of her time for a good cause. I am so pleased and indebted to Twitter and can now acknowledge that it does indeed provide a unique platform of communication between its users. Many thanks to Treyc and Twitter!! Kat x

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