Tuesday 30 August 2011

And then there was one.........

I had taken the picture below in anticipation of writing a Getto Hen update. The last one which you can catch up on here, spoke of her five new babies that she was raising alone, roosting wild and protecting them from the many countryside predators. Since that post two chicks went to my Mum's house (only to turn out to both be cocks, she has them on freecycle as we speak). Another chick mysteriously disappeared and that left the two pictured below, living wild with their mother, the now legendary Getto Hen. Alas the night I took the picture Alpha Male and I awoke to the sound of a chicken crying out at about 5am. He panicked that it was one of our Jersey Giants and I felt immediate relief as I had shut them away safe and sound the night before. He proceeded to look out of our bedroom window and saw a huge male fox staring back at him. The stare out continued awhile until the brazen animal ran away. Then next morning we found lots of brown feathers and sadly Getto Hen only had one chick left. Incidentally the remaining chick is a cock so he will no doubt join the gang of wild cocks that patrol the White House Farm estate and get wild chickens like Getto Hen continually pregnant. Kat x

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